Sorry for the delay in giving an update on the Gathering.  I've been 
a bit busy.

Attendance was down a bit over past years at the banquet but a good 
time was had by all.  I still have to mail and collect on hats and 
shirts that were pre-ordered.  I hope to take care of that in the 
next week or so.  I may be contacting some of you expecting hats and 
shirts to get a complete mailing address.  I also will have some 
extra shirts to sell, mostly in the "large" and "extra large" sizes, 
and when that is completed, we should come out within one or two 
hundred dollars of our beginning balance from last year.  I will post 
the number of shirts for sale and give a complete accounting of the 
funds on the Gathering site when completed.  Thanks to all those that 
donated in the "pass the hat" at the banquet.

I will also be contacting Chris Collins, the airport manager, to see 
what dates are available for next years Gathering.  I hope to 
announce that in the next few weeks also.

Thanks for your patients.  Keep those KR's flying and keep making 
sawdust on your projects.  My KR should be through it's annual in a 
week or two with new light weight four tube stainless steel 
exhaust.  New brake pads, tire rotation, and several other items were 
on the list this year.  I hope to be back in the air soon.

Larry Flesner
P.S.  Joe Horton, I still have your trophy and I'll get it mailed to 
you soon.  It looks good on my mantel. :-)

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