Marc, Awesome Video. Makes me really home sick for the rest of the KR family. It was great to see many old friends on the video. I'm sorry I couldn't make it.
I will commit now that I intend to be there next year. My KR is scheduled to once again go through another metamorphesis between now and next year's gathering, but should be ready for show and tell again by then. OK Jones, only 39 more KRs to get to commit to Next year's Gathering. I am also considering trying to make Oshkosh next year, but if I do, it's likely to be in the newly finished Cub. -Jeff Scott N1213W & N143W <> ----- Original Message ----- Illustrious KR Friends; Best Regards, Marc Baca East Los Angeles. (I always say East L.A. becuase I believe that I'm the only builder in the area)