Change the paragraph below to DOWNWARD FORCES FROM REPEATED HARD LANDINGS AND YOU HAVE IT. The fellow who wrote that paragraph below hit it right on. I could put a 400 pound/275HP chevy up front of my KR and the final analysis is I may not have an aircraft rated at more than 1.5-3 "G"'s at most.....wether it's flying, landing or taking off.
Also, the persons or organization that said they would not allow a Jabiru because "it is too powerful" has the obligation to demonstrate or prove that it is indeed so. It is an absurd statement without the math and back-up data to educate us. It is a "weight issue, not a power issue" > ----- Original Message ----- > > It's the downward force of a hard landing that might separate the engine > > and > firewall from the fuselage, not just pulling it through the air. That's > why > it's more a weight issue than a power issue. Just improving the load path > from the mount to the outer edges of the firewall (near the longerons) > goes > a long way to strengthening that setup. >