Fellow netters,
If you haven't been to www.krgathering.org lately, check in soon for update on hats / shirts, and awards. Make sure you click on both the awards and shirt picture for more details. At this point it appears we have volunteers for judging the KR's, thanks to Bob Glidden and Michael Sylvester. We could use one additional judge and I'm asking Bob Glidden to "choose" another "volunteer". Rich Hartwig is doing name tags, and I've got the hats / shirts covered as well as the awards. I'm working on the banquet with Donnie Wilkie, the restaurant owner/manager. Chris Collins, the airport manager, will help cover most of the terminal setup and some of his crew will help at the registration table. The registration table, with hat and shirt sales, is one of the most demanding duties time wise, requiring two eight hour shifts, and I'm sure they would appreciate someone giving them an occasional break. I'll provide the P.A for the forums and I've had several volunteers to lead the discussions. It looks like we're getting our ducks all in a row. It won't be long now. If you haven't already made plans, start doing so TODAY. If I've forgotten anything, shoot me an e-mail at fles...@frontier.com Larry Flesner