|Pat wrote:   I did make a gear spring as you describe, 55 layers in all of
Bid and
uni, came out to 7/8" thick and weighed in 20% heavier than the cessna
spring I was copying and was not as stiff. I was surprised. Perhaps I used
too much resin.|
I laminated the the 78 layers for the gear legs on a cool day, about 50F. It
5 hours to wet out each layer individually and press them into the mold.
curing, I took them  to a commercial composite aircraft fabricator in town.
He was
impressed at how much less resin I used than he had anticipated. (Each layer
thoroughly wetted out.) I then wrapped them with BID, installed the brake
line tubing
and wrapped that. They are stiff, but with 200lbs they bend about 1/8", and
are light,
approximately 4.3lbs each at 29" in length. I still need to test them with
weight. As I cut out each leg from the single mold, 8"x30" I inspected to
insure there
were no air pockets. I will post pictures when I get a website setup.


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