It's good to see some progress being made by fellow builders. I'd like to 
contribute to the progress reports with my update.  Today I managed to flip the 
"boat," and unfortunately, I will be adding to the list of cracked longeron 
stories : (.

Upon inspection of my boat structure, I found 5 cracks! Two cracks in one 
longeron and one in each of the rest. They all reside in the bay directly 
the aft spar. I already knew that this could be an issue after seeing the 
problems run into by other builders. The cracks in the upper longerons seem 
reasonable to repair, a splice joint like the one shown in Darren Crompton's 
build log should fix the problem. It is the lower longerons that have me 

Since the lower longerons are already glued on two sides to plywood, I have no 
idea how I will cut out a section for replacement. Also, the area that these 
cracks occur are in close proximity to a vertical stiffener. Too close to get 
the proper splice length.

So at this point what are my options? 

-Attempt repairs and hope for some luck on the bottom longerons?
-Cut my losses and start a new boat. (I've only used about $900 worth of wood 
and glue and spent 100hrs building)?
-Look for someone selling a boat, toss mine and continue forward...

Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated. My motivation is dwindling. 

Some photos are updated on my site.


Sean Duggan
Vero Beach, FL
KR2S -

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