EAA was founded on experimental aircraft, and I'm not thrilled that it's now

being expanded to "spam cans", a segment that is well represented in so many

ways.  Warbirds are nice from a nostalgic standpoint, but if I never had to 
stop another conversation with a KR builder to plug my ears while a Harrier 
showed off in front of the airshow crowd, it would be fine with me.

I think it is funny that the founder of EAA Paul P. started SAA a few years
back because he said EAA was becoming to commercialized. Wonder who
caused/let that happen. It is all about the money now. They would rather
have people giving massages and selling pots and pans then a guy selling
used parts. Anyone that knows me knows I love anything that involves an
airplane and Oshkosh is like therapy. If it was not for the great group of
people that get together every year, (most of them I met through this group)
it would not be worth going. It has became a family trip for us now and has
become the start of our family vacation every year. Oshkosh has always been
the place for anything new in aviation that hits the market. Both EAA and
AOPA are a big voice for GA and do a lot a great things, but I would love to
see the swap meet area get back to what it used to be. Anyone that goes to
Sun-N-Fun knows what I mean, their fly market is awesome. So go ahead and
flame away, but remember this is my opinion and has been shared by many
including the founder himself. We are the members and should have a voice,
if we all keep sending emails to them and voicing our thoughts maybe we can
get it back to the way it was.

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