Mark, I copied your mounting bracket design for my airplane but I may have used a slightly different gage of aluminum. I've got one starting to crack at a bend, the other is fine. I have not replaced them yet.
I do have a separate issue with my nose wheel pant right now. I did a minor fiberglass repair to it, but now I have a nasty shimmy so I took it back off. Without the nose wheel pant, I have no-shimmy. Guessing I added weight that caused it to be unbalanced enough to cause the problems. Rob KR2S N1852Z Message: 10 ate: Mon, 23 May 2011 22:02:27 -0500 rom: "Mark Jones" <> ubject: KR> Wheel Pant Mounting Brackets o: "KR Net" <> essage-ID: <0FA5C450A2B34465AC10E8FC92E8AE01@flykr2sPC> ontent-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Once again I have broken a wheel pant mounting bracket. This makes at least ten imes they have broken and each time I am paying around 10 dollars to get them elded back together. They are made from 6061T6 aluminum. When I made them I imply bent them to shape but eventually they started breaking at the bends. I ould get them welded and then over time they would break at the edge of the eld. All from vibration of course. For what I have paid to have them repaired I ould have had them gold plated by now. Anyway, what are your brackets made from nd how are they holding up? ark Jones (N886MJ) tevens Point, WI -mail: eb: