Are there any photos to go with this observation?
In a message dated 5/14/2011 10:23:59 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes: ?A very important consideration looking at this photo: This is visual evidence of why you never want to use a hard aluminum line on the floorboard of an aircraft. The rubber hose that came with the kit was utilized to run from the fuel valve to the firewall pass-through. In several places it was pinched very tight between the distorted sheet-metal. Had it been a standard piece of 5052 aluminum tubing, I am sure it would have ruptured. If there had been fuel in the tanks in an accident where the aircraft remained upright, this leak would have poured fuel into the damaged cockpit. It is far more desirable to have a flexible line, preferably a braided steel one, in this location where a distorted floor from an accident would rupture a rigid line?.