Hello everyone;

In attempting to write a checklist for my KR2, I suddenly realized that 
I lack any valid "V" numbers for it.  If anyone could help, iot would be 
very much appreciated!!!

Along the same lines, I've noticed a wide range of pre-start procedures, 
and I'm wondering what seems to be working the best for everyone.  Some 
procedures call for gas off, pull 8-blades, engage starter, gas on, 
advance throttle, etc.  Others say nothing about any of this, simply 
suggesting to turn the gas on and start cranking.

The engine is a Revmaster 2100, no turbo, Revmaster carb., Warp Drive 
3-blade at 14 degrees.

The airplane is conventional gear, plans built, and a little bit on the 
heavy side!  It has nearly a full panel, including manifold pressure, 
etc., so any numbers would be very helpful.

I've managed to find three numbers - 183 on the airspeed is red, and 52 
on the airspeed is red.  Tach redline is 3500.  Given the total lack of 
any other numbers anywhere, I even doubt the validity of the numbers 
that I did manage to find.  I don't know where the 183 came from, and I 
suspect that the 52 number came from a sales brochure.  I have the same 
thoughts about the 3500 RPM.

As an FYI, I'm installing an iFly 700 into the panel, and the checklist 
(especially the performance data) can be pulled up at the touch of a finger.



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