Hello All, I'm going to use the 5048-45 airfoil and want to confirm whether the following would be the right approach if I wanted to lengthen the wings one foot on each side...
1) Lengthen the forward outboard spars one foot, but still taper them to the dimensions given for the rib at the end of the wooden spar (just spreading the same transition from 5048 to 5045 over a longer distance) 2) Add the one foot foam spars as suggested in the plans and taper them to the foam tip rib dimensions given on the 5048-45 template. I'd use the foam extensions because if I take this approach, I won't have enough wood to extend the timber all the way to the "foam extension" tip rib. Am I correct in understanding that this will decrease the forward sweep of the rear spar a little bit? It also just occurred to me that if I used the foam tip rib template as given, the one foot piece at the end of the wing (over the foam spars) would taper at a slightly steeper vertical angle than the rest of the wing, since the vertical taper of the wood spar will become a tiny bit more shallow. Would I have to also lengthen the foam extensions proportionately to continue the same taper? Would any of this (decreased forward sweep and shallower taper) be something to be concerned about? Sorry if these are non-issues but the spars are the first thing I'm going to build. I'm no engineer and I want to be sure not to make a BIG mistake and screw up the airfoil dynamics. Thanks for any input! -Seth Jersild