Any of you that know me from past writings know of the long length of time 
has taken me to finally finish my Kr2-S. Starting in 1994, going through the 
building process, then in the final stages having a Soob blow up and destroying 
that engine, Has been truly frustrating and then economics.  Now this weekend I 
finally started reworking the engine mounts for my newly built Corvair. I am in 
the process of setting up the cg due to the lower weight of the 'vair and what 
ball it is.  To be able to finally see the end of this long long road, I 
couldn't even begin convey my feelings to anyone else.
  i just received the 5th bearing,  a prop I purchased from good friend Steve 
Makish.  The help from hangar buddy Bob Lester and also Steve Makish has also 
been invaluable towards the final completion and wish to express to them and 
all, my appreciation for their friendship and loyalty. Without them I would 
taken a saws-all to my baby  ( "The Mistress")a long time ago. keep building 
never never ever give up.

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