Craig Williams wrote:

>>1.   With EGT we normally monitor all cyl but with AFR we are typically 
>>only monitoring one.  Is there a chance you could run one of the other 
>>cylinders too lean and burn a valve?

I don't know of anybody that only monitors one cylinder.  Mine measures 
three, Joe Horton has two, with each measuring three, all automobiles 
measure all cylinders at once downstream.

>>2.  Would you want to adjust the mixture on takeoff by this gauge to 
>>maximize HP?

You want to take off with the mixture a tad rich to minimize the possibility 
of detonation, and for max power.  It won't take you long to figure out 
where the mixture meter needs to be set to get that.  On my AFR gauge that's 
with the second LED from the top lit, and the top one no lit.

>>3.  Once leaned to 14.7 afr is there any reason other than an altitude 
>>changes to touch it?

With my Ellison (and I'm guessing most other carbs) a change of throttle 
setting will also change the mixture.  I adjust my mixture quite often while 
flying, especially after initial climbout, as I climb through 5000' feet or 
so, and then when I'm at final cruise altitude and have backed off to cruise 
rpm (about 3050, most of the time).  And not just to 14.7:1, but far below 
that, with only the lowest LED blinking occasionally.  There's more on that 
at .

Mark Langford
ML at
website at

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