hello netters,i am not sure that put on peel ply as the final layer to reach a
smooth surfaces is the best, or a good solution.A employee of Schempp-Hirth,the
famous glidermanufacturer,told me that they use only peel ply in areas where
aditional layers are connected ,after the layups before are cured ,to save
time-consuming sanding.After you weted out the glas-layers and try to lay up
peel ply,in most cases it will be neccessary, to ad small amounts of resin to
roll-,or squeeze on the peel--and this ads weight.The better way, to get a
smooth surface,is to lay up a very light glas-ply with a different wafe
(ie.linen-wafe).This lay up will be weted by the remaining resin.A further
adventure of this way(I did it and i swear by this method) is ,when you smooth
down the surface later on,you have a exact reference image of your glas lay ups
due to the different fill directions.( you avoid to sand down the structural
lay ups)
My conclusion of this method is:you ad strength and earn safety and save