Hi all,
I apologize if you get this more than once, I have posted it to a couple different groups. Also, the video was taken from my Q2 so it really has nothing to do with KR's. However; I thought it might serve as motivation to someone to get busy on your KR!! I guess it did for me as I spent most of Saturday afternoon glassing on my KR2S (taking advantage of some warm outside weather). This year's video attempts have all been miserable failures. I cannot seem to get a camera mount position that I like or footage that is very good (using my shoestring budget camera). I tried again this past Friday and Saturday on the way to/from breakfast and got some footage that I almost like. It is far from good quality but maybe someone will enjoy it. I am still (occasionally) working on better... My editing skills are also low but I am slowly learning - don't expect Hollywood quality. Two videos: 1. Some hill flying footage. http://www.vimeo.com/17481531 2. Footage of the tight traffic pattern than I mentioned in an email a couple of weeks ago. http://www.vimeo.com/17482681 This was made as a result of an email I sent to the Quickie guys encouraging them NOT to fly 747 patterns (long story, it seems a great many pilots like to do that...). Enjoy, Jon Finley N314JF - Q2 - Subaru EJ-22 http://www.finleyweb.net/Q2Subaru.aspx