-----Original Message-----
From: Clayton Williams <clay.wil...@cox.net>

Anyone have a set of dual stick for sale cheap?
y airplane budget just fell like a rock.
Please contact me offline.
Thank you,
I built mine for less than $35.00.  Pretty much exactly like Mark Langford's.  
Material was scrounged from the builders at the airport. Just be sure its the 
correct material. (Help them spring clean and its amazing what you can get for 
I spent $20.00 of the $35.00 on a professional welder whom did the work at his 
leisure.  He did my rudder pedal controls at the same time included in the 
All the AN Fittings didn't cost me $10.00.  And oh ya I picked up the AN 
fittings in person from Aircraft Spruce and saved on the shipping.  If I can 
find the picture of the fixture I used to mount the assembly in for welding I 
will send it to you.
Build Safe, Light, and Scrounge.
Steve Phillabaum  334-740-0066, Shorter Alabama (still building)

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