">From what I have been reading most KR fuse sides are wider at the shoulders than they are at the bottom, is this correct? Would it incur any significant increase in work to make them the same width top and bottom? I bought Mike Arnold's AR-5 DVD's and from what I understand that played a big part in lowering interference drag between the fuse and wing. Also, putting the widest part of the fuselage at the trailing edge of the wing. am I silly to think this is the way to go with a KR as well?"
I am building a KR2SS with vertical fuselage sides and the widest part near the shoulders. My friend started building it that way to avoid the "banana boat". I like the added interior space. It should help with drag reduction at the wing/fuselage junction, but it will be a little heavier and have less room in the stub wings for fuel, and less wing area. I plan on adding about 6" of wingspan and 9-10 gal of fuel in each outer wing and 5-7 gal header (for when my fuel pump(s) fail!). Douglas Cooke