It is in Arizona and is disassembled.  There is no engine the last I heard.
I have attempted to contact the owner hoping to purchase the plane to no
avail.  There has been no response.

We have the only other KR-100 in existence that either I or Jeanette know
of.  The controls are completed and the gear has been installed.  The spars
are complete and installed with the WAFS and outer spars mated.  It is
really down to the glass work and wiring for engine and instrumentation.
You can just see it in the back of the photo of our new hangar on about 2/3rd of the way down the page.  Complete plans
were drawn for the KR-100 but not released.  There were a few errors from
what I understand and no support system for it.  This may change in the
future but as for now they are not available.

We are undecided as to whether we are going to sell our KR-100  project or
not.  Kevin Kelly was involved in the construction of the KR-100 #2 so it
should be fairly close to the original.  It was being designed to be faster
than the first and utilizing a different airfoil.  

Steve Glover

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