Terry wrote:

The KR is so light and delightful on the controls now; it's hard to imagine
making it better.


I agree and disagree.  

It would be a lot of work, but look at how much work ML put into his plane.
While we certainly all benefitted from his efforts, if the goal was to just
build a plane to fly many would look at his focus as a builder as overkill.
The same could be said for Dr Dean's hinges, or the new airfoil, or many
other improvements over the original KR-series designs that all of us take
(almost) for granted today.  Thankfully there are those out there who have
that passion to make that better mousetrap.

Who of us is to say Jose does not come out with something truly spectacular
that boosts the roll rate or slow flying characteristics, or even better,
dampens the pitch responsiveness in certain situations.  Ten years from now
we may all be wanting Jose's FBW, just like all the other improvements we
now enjoy.

More power to the experimenter!


Dave "Zipper" Goodman
Vertical Avionics, Inc.

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