Well, the first tank is finally complete except for slosh and the leak test.
This only too, me and an experienced RV builder, 12 hours to assemble.  Now
for another 12 hours and both tanks will be done.  I have started the task
of patching up the holes in the wings and was almost knocked over when I
opened up the can of Vinyl Ester.  Strong stuff.  I finally settled on 2 oz
of resin to 2 drops of MEKP.  I had enough time to work that much before it
started getting stiff.  Yes, 1 drop may have been what is needed, but it is
getting cold at night, and I wanted it to get a good start on the cure.

I have been completing the renovation of my brake system and started
removing the instruments from the old panel.  I am expecting the D10 within
about 2 weeks and want to be ready to get the panel re-done as soon as it
gets here.

The last five pics at http://krbuilder.org/ConvertingToWingTanks/index.html
tell the latest part of the story.

Daniel R. Heath


See N64KR at  <http://krbuilder.org/> http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on
the pics 

See you at the 2011 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN

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