I'm guessing it was porkopolis pig you saw, and yes I miss the old Eaa flyin of days gone by.
Sent from my iPhone > >> One of my best memories is of meeting a chap with a KR2 >> who flew into Oshkosh years ago. It looked awful, still hade >> theglass >> fabric showing all over through the obviously cheap paint job, he >> obviously >> had functionality as a priority over pure beauty, but it FLEW HIM >> TO OSHKOSH >> and did what he wanted it to do. I sort of think this pursuit of >> pure >> beauty and one-upsmanship is a great part of the reason that EAA >> has become >> primarily a millionaires club, the 'little man' flying his cheap >> homemade >> unsophisticated plane that he never intended to be a show-off piece >> has been >> shoved far into the background and scorned.. >