At 08:37 AM 10/29/2010, you wrote: >This wire goes from this terminal here to the >terminal over there. I can do that. Ok, leave enough slack to make a >bundle for support. Run the next wire along the length of the first wire. >Next thing I realize, hey I'm wiring the panel. >Sid Wood ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I hope you're making the schematics while you go, i.e., terminal strip pin numbers, wire numbers, switches, circuit breakers, etc. You'll thank your self a thousand times the first time you have to troubleshoot an electrical problem. The one and only electrical problem I've had to date, loss of main electrical buss, was corrected with two meter checks thanks to detailed wiring schematic. It doesn't have to be fancy, just hand drawn, and each circuit can have it's own page if you want. Larry Flesner