FYI, to the computer savvy guys, Virg -------- Original Message -------- Subject: glass ? panel I got a chance to look closely at a Kindle this past weekend. It has a fascinating display. The above link is the marketing site for a protyping system which uses the e-ink flat-panel display, the same display used on the new Kindle electronic book. The protyping kit (at $3K) includes a computer with Linux preinstalled. What I wish I had now was the time (and disposable cash) to buy one of these units to see if it could be interfaced to aircraft engines and instrumentation. What especially interests me is the very readable low-power display. It is just as easily read in bright sunlight as in dim light. The display draws a small current only when the image is being updated, so when used as an electronic book, the unit (which weighs only a few ounces) has a battery-life of one month. Friends of mine are building LSA aircraft without standard electrical system to minimize weight. Some are using small solar panels to charge lightweight lithium batteries to power their instrumentation. The very light weight and extremely low-power display may have a future in aircraft. Robin Berglund -- The Rotary Engine NewsLetter. Powered by Linux. ACRE NL web site. Youtube key word PaulLamar2 Copyright 1998-2010 All world wide rights reserved.