Todd Thelin

> Can someone walk me through how to get accurate wind
> information  at 7500' with only a GPS?

This doesn't answer your question, exactly, but if you're looking for your 
true airspeed, one way is to go to 
with your headings (90 degrees apart) and GPS speeds, and fill in the 
blanks.  I usually do it early in the morning on calm days, check winds 
aloft at , and then do a 
four way check averaging the four, or even just a two way check flying into 
and with the wind, averaging the two.  I almost always come up with the same 
exact number, even when I do each method twice.

But to answer your question, the guys with a Dynon would just tell you to 
look at the screen if you want wind direction and velocity...

Mark Langford

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