Craig Williams wrote:

>  I just purchased a KR2S boat and parts.    Engine power will probably be 
> an O-200 with C85
> pistons.  My requirement is to cruise at 150 with me and the wife.  That 
> may
> require the O-235 and I will make that determination later unless a deal 
> on an
> engine presents itself in the mean time.  Anyone used an O-320 yet (yes I 
> know
> it's heavy)?

All you need to do is copy my KR2S if you want a 150 cruise.  Mine cruises 
at 178 mph with full fuel.  Another 150 pounds will not drop top speed 
nearly enough to make 150.  And the Corvair will sound a lot more liike a 
Sea Fury than an O-320 would, and would weigh a lot less.  There are several 
KR folks who've tried the O-200 with C85 pistons route, and I know of three 
that will tell you that arrangement has piston/ring wear issues due to the 
cylinder/head interface joint.

My plane has split flaps which provide plenty of drag, but have the bonus of 
extra lift so you can land slower.  If you need more drag, add a "belly 
board" to the middle.  Details on my plane are at and 
there are lots more examples.  As William Wynne likes to say, "every day you 
spend fooling around inventing new ways of doing things that are already 
done gets you one day closer to losing your medical".

No pressure from me're welcome to build what you want...

Mark Langford
N56ML "at"
website at

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