Hey Guys, Just thought I would share some of my most recent challenges to flying. This past weekend the local flying club had it's annual picnic. About mid afternoon they decided to have a spot landing contest. I decided at first not to participate with the comment that every time i get competitive something stupid happens. I changed my mind and got in the circuit with everyone else. I did my first tree at the spot and it wasn't terrible , but on the roll out I heard one of the guys in a cub that had done a touch and go ahead of me call that he had lost power and was returning to the runway. I looked up and thought S*** he's serious, I was about half way down the runway and he was pointed straight at me. I goosed the throttle and got all the way to the side. I gave it a little more gas again trying to give him every inch that i could with out being part of the problem. I miss judged speed some and couldn't make the turn off the end and really thought no big deal and I duct off the end between the end lights and the taxi markers. I did clip one of the end lights but I figured no big deal under the circumstance. I did a U turn and right back on the center line between the end lights and off the taxi way. I which time the cub was already on the runway. I went and parked the plane because like i said stupid things happen. The taxi light dinged the paint but it's just another character mark. Later when I was about to leave one of the guys said "Hey did you see your prop?"-- What da ya mean? I looked at it and I was missing about a 1" chip in the one tip and about 3/4" by 7" long from the other tip booth on the trailing edges. I never even gave it a thought that the weeds of only about a foot tall would cause any damage. I changed to my old Sterba prop and test flew it a few minutes on Sunday. Not Great but I could fly. On Tuesday I had to get myself to a funeral up state. One of the most beautiful days of the year. it was only a 50 min flight in smooth conditions. On finial I thought I was little fast and I wasn't sure of the runway length left because of the crown in it so I went around. On finial again I couldn't get below 1200 rpm. Not being sure if it was caused by the different prop I killed the engine on roll out and restarted to taxi in and the rpm dropped to the 650 - no problem. Latter that day I fueled up and taxied to leave, and run up -- no problem. On full throttle takeoff I noticed that it sounded a little different and the rpm was a couple hundred low. The power seemed fine and the climb was good so i continued and climbed and turned on course. A Little tail wind and a good beautiful course and 35 min latter I was over home. I throttled back to loose altitude and continued on a little further to take pictures of my current construction site. The throttle stuck briefly at about half. I circled the job and was fooling with the throttle as it became more stubborn. It started to stick in several spots and was not smooth at all. I headed home about 8 miles away and left it at about half throttle which was a slow cruise around 120mph. I entered the pattern and tried to adjust. It kept getting worse. I turned base and pulled back to slow and it stuck, Pulled much harder and it popped back to idle. Not good as I glanced at the end of the run way it was doubtful. Now i panicked for the first time ever flying. I jambed it for everything I was worth and it gave way to full throttle. That shot me forward fast and now high (not panicked any more) for the runway. I yanked it back and it came back to the 1200 rpm and stuck again. This time it would not and did not move. I was on finial and going as slow as I could with that rpm. As soon as i was over the end lights I killed the engine and pulled the mixture and landed dead stick. At about half way down the runway with no problem to stop i hit the switch and it fired up and idled at 1200 rpm. That was just right to turn and taxi back to my tie down. I did not get back to it until last night and had a mechanic with me. The throttle was still completely locked up and no amount of push or pull was going to move it, only bend something. I removed the cowl and started at the carb only touching it enough to see if something was bound there. I barely touched or moved anything just enough to see if the cable was loose in the housing in the slide and connection were not bound. Went back to the throttle knob and it was completely freed up. From that point on nothing we could do would make it lock up. Having said that it does not feel right. It is not smooth and it feels like the bearings in the vernier are rough and it is very likely that there is a broken piece of metal or even the bearing inside it. Replacement is the only course for me. These are not cheap junk cables and have performed perfectly until now but what an adrenalin rush. I have the same cable on the mixture and the feel is like night and day. Sorry this is so long but I thought it may help someone to know what can happen at the wrong times. Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.
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