> It ain't cheap, however.

It also has some other, more serious drawbacks according to many postings
I've read over the last few years on the AOPA "Flight Bag" forum. 
Slowness has been a very major complaint - bloated code.  Other
complaints have to do with lock-ups and inexplicable behavior (bugs).   
A number of users have given up on it and gone to other solutions.  I
never see the program discussed anymore other than that the company
provides chart updates for the AV8OR ACE.  Between the two high-end
packages - Seattle Avionics and Flight Prep - the nod has definitely gone
to the latter although the buzz these days doesn't include either one.  
If you are an AOPA member and can get into the forums (actually, I'm not
sure you have to be a member come to think of it), do a search and see if
my impressions are accurate.  I haven't seen Voyager discussed in months
even though EFB's and EFB software are constant hot topics.

If you get it I would sure give it a good workout within your money back
period and see if it's worth keeping.  

I went for a ride in a 337 this afternoon whose owner has a 3G iPad
loaded with Skycharts.  I've been thinking the iPad was useless in direct
sun but I have been wrong.  I found it very usable.  Another friend has
Foreflight on his iPad and  took it on a trip in his Glasair from KSEE to
Arlington Fly-In and raves about it.  He did a demo for me in the hangar
and all I can say is "wow".  Foreflight is $75/yr and is being enhanced
and improved on a daily basis.      


The company that produces Flight Guides is soon due to release their EFB
offering.  Their little books have been amazingly good over the years and
I'm sure they'll do a good job with their new software.  In order to be
competitive it will surely do everything the other products do plus some
ideas of their own.  GA is in the doldrums yet the world of GPS-based
navigation and planning packages is blossoming like crazy.  And new
screen technology - brighter, faster with less power drain, is coming
anytime now.  


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