Please, everyone! Head to 65G the weekend after Labor Day. The main event is Sunday, Sep. 12, with a "big deal" breakfast, but most folks show up Friday PM or sometime Saturday. If memory serves, this is the 59th year!!!
Everything from Grummans to twin Aero-Commanders to KR's to MediVac Bell 430's, even several Huey's will likely be there. Everybody shares rides all day Saturday and Sunday, with Saturday being the heaviest flying day. EAA is active at these events, with lots of Young Eagle flights. The Boy Scouts are there, and just about everybody else you can think of! Lots of skydiving as well. We have E/W and N/S runways, everything is turf, very well maintained. Runways are well marked, lighting on pilot command. 9/27 is 3050', 18/36 is 2000'. E66 is co-located, in case you want to fly in by helicopter. Unicom 122.8. Call on downwind, left traffic. I will be there with the Warrior, and (hopefully) the KR2. I'll feed any KR types that fly in. This year I'm planning on top sirloin and T-bones, Western style, toss in a shrimp or two and some corn on the cob. Life is good! Bring your sleeping bag, or plan on a motel or hotel just a few minutes down the road. This is *the* major event in our area each year, fun for kids of all ages! We especially look forward to the University of Michigan's "Survival Flight" team arriving for breakfast! Please contact Dennis, airport manager, at 517-223-7809 if you need additional information. Dave.