Wing tank construction officially began on Wednesday.  I thank all the KR
family members who contributed to my decision making process and with
knowledge and experience with each type of fuel tank construction.  I
debated and decided back and forth between glass and aluminum.  I am not
exactly sure what factors contributed to my choosing aluminum, but it was
probably that I could build the tank outside the wing and fully leak test
it, before installing it in the wing.  These tanks measure out to 10.6
gallons each, which should give me at least 18 gallons usable.

My plan is to fully document the process of building and retrofitting these
tanks into the RAF 48 Diehl Wing Skin wings.  However the original drawing
comes from a person who designed them for his "new wing".  I will document
all the parts, source, and cost.

Daniel R. Heath

See N64KR at  <> - Then click on
the pics 

See you at the 2010 - KR Gathering in Richmond, Ky - I39

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