I posted the message below a few weeks ago--thanks for the responses. Since 
then I compared a fragment of a packing list to a packing list I found on the 
internet for a KR-2S(http://www.jgokey.com/rr_kr2_manual_pt6-6.pdf). 

The fragment matched the list for the KR-2S with the exception that the packing 
list fragment has "landing gear hinge wedges" and the KR-2S does not.

Any ideas on which model this kit might be? (I can send a jpg of the packing 
list fragment if you want to see it.)

Thanks in advance.


---------- previous post -------------
Around 30 years ago my father bought part of a kit to build an airplane and 
shortly afterward developed some health problems and never started building it. 
He passed away last year and Mom wants me to get rid of the kit. I have been 
unable to find any paperwork on the plane and the aviation supply house that he 
bought it from has been unresponsive. Last night I found an old mailing in his 
office from Rand Robinson Engineering, leading me to suspect it might be one of 
their kits.

I'm not a pilot but I have been skydiving for over 30 years and if this kit is 
usable I want to get it back into the aviation community. I think what I have 
is the components of a wing. Can someone please give me some suggestions on how 
I can determine what kind of kit this is?

Thanks in advance.


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