   sorry i didn't answer sooner, I missed the fact that you were talking about 
an Areo carb.  I think that a little information might be needed but I'll take 
a shot at it. I am  thinking that you  have a 35mm carb on a 2700 cc corvair? i 
any case the success of anything but the #3 needle has been elusive. Make the 
mark on it just like the instruction say where the flat ends. This is the 
starting point for setting the needle depth in the slide. I am working from 
memory so the instruction should be referred to to allow for my dyslexia, I 
think the flat faces away from you when viewing from the intake throat. Make 
sure that you have the mixture cut off set up by the instructions also. Make 
sure you have your timing set on the engine at least as accurate as you can for 
the start. That affects low end idle tremendously. I left the stop nut for the 
throttle adjustment loose so that I had a full range for starting and running. 
When I had the engine running i then pulled the throttle out at slow increments 
until I reached what I thought would be my low idle without it being rough (for 
me that is about 700-750 rpm)  At this point i redid timing dynamically to full 
static rpm (again for me i am set up to 32 deg. advance at 2900 Rpm) At this 
point  started to adjust the mixture needle. I did not have a mixture gage at 
the time and used a dwell/rpm to visibly see results as well as the sound of 
the engine. I was making adjustments with the engine running (this is not for 
everyone-let your personal safety be your guide) When I made an adjustment I 
would run it up and down to make sure that it would return to the same rpm and 
still idle smooth. The needle needs to make very small turns when you are close 
to the results that your after. I made an adjustment this past week for summer 
time temps and it was on the order of an 1/8 turn at a time. I think that I 
have mine adjusted to the rich side of the original set point. In the end I 
really was lucky I guess as the engine started the first time and was able to 
run. The adjustments were not far from what the instructions tell for set up. I 
have nearly 500 hours with the carb now. The only thing is the slide type carbs 
will always favor a side of the engine for rich and lean. maybe 100 deg from 
side to side. The solution for me was to install a tornado directly behind the 
carb to swirl the mixture before the split in the intake risers. 
Roy, I fell that you may be a little over optimistic about exhaust spans with 
respect to the comment of 80 deg. span being a lot. I currently have my alarm 
set at 170 deg. span and it occasionally goes off in full power climbs and 
requires a slight mixture adjustment to settle it. But on the other end of the 
spectrum I can get exhaust spans at altitude (7500 or higher) below 30 deg. At 
low altitudes 50 to 70 deg spans are common. A friend with a hot Lance air 
(actually several of them) told me that 80 deg. span is the lowest he has ever 
gotten to.
   Hope this helps a little.
Joe Horton,
Coopersburg, Pa.

 ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 06:59:17 -0500  

>Mark, I didn't get any response back on my Question about setting up and
>operating the posy type aerovee Carb on my Corvair. Are you running this
>Carb or know someone that does. Thanks,

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