Dave Dunwoodie wrote:

> I have a Revmaster 2100 with ram air.  The gauge in the airplane ranges
> 10-50 inches.  I'm doing a panel upgrade right now and am wondering if I
> should change this gauge to perhaps 0-30 inches or some other range
> while I have the chance?

I'm no Revmaster expert, but I do have a manifold pressure gauge built into 
my EIS system.  The manifold gauge will almost never read higher than 
ambient pressure, so with a 30" limit, you'll be operating right around full 
scale deflection on the ground with the engine off,  and near full scale at 
full throttle at low altitude, and less at less throttle or high altitude. 
Ram air will probably not make enough difference for you to even see on the 
gauge, so that's probably not even a concern.  I'd go for a 30" personally, 
just for the increased resolution.  Now if it's a turbo, that's a different 
story, but you'd have fried that gauge already.  Let us know if you really 
do see much change when ram air is on or off, assuming you can control it, 
but it makes very little difference on mine...

Mark Langford
website www.n56ml.com

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