> I don't have any >close up photos. In the photo at >http://mysite.verizon.net/flesner/lf103.jpg you can see it is a very >standard installation. >Larry Flesner >+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I forgot to mention the one thing I did differently then most builders do. I attached the tail wheel cable to the rudder cable inside the fuselage and they exit the fuselage through different fair leads. I did this so the "pull angle" of the tail wheel cable is in line with the rudder cable and does not pull the rudder cable at an angle when rudder pressure is applied. Most set ups have the cables connected outside the fuselage and, with the tail wheel on the ground and full rudder peddle deflection, you could be stressing your rudder stop if it is located at the rudder and not on the peddles themselves. Any side loads on my tail wheel, when not running in line with the aircraft, are transferred in a straight line to my peddles and not pulling the rudder cable at an angle causing additional rudder deflection. Clear as mud, right?? Larry Flesner