Hi Dene

We had simular problems on a Zenair. No matter how big a lip we put on or
how big the cowl exit it would overheat.
My opinion was that the shape of the cowl and the underside of the aircraft
caused a high pressure area at the cowl exit underneath.

We put vents (like gills) on the side of the cowl for a 20 degree Celsius
drop in temperature. All Good :-)


Barry Kruyssen
RAA registered 19-3873

-----Original Message-----
From: krnet-boun...@mylist.net [mailto:krnet-boun...@mylist.net] On Behalf
Of Dene Collett
Sent: Monday, 7 December 2009 3:24 PM
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> 3300 Jabiru to cool correctly

I have tried all kinds of lips of various sizes at the exit to no avail. I 
also have an in flight adjustible flap that hinges down to open and close 
the exit which forms a hige "lip" when in the full open position. It also 
has sides as we thought the air being displaced by the flap was spilling 
round the sides of the flan satisfying the low pressure at the mouth of the 
exit...... no luck. The air inlets were sized the same size as the four 
seater Jabiru aircraft which uses the same motor. What was not taken into 
considderation was the fact that the motorglider flies at a much lower 
airspeed than the Jabiru. My next experiment is to enlarge the inlets and 
see what difference that makes.
Dene Collett
Avlec Projects cc
Port Elizabeth
South Africa

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