NetHeads, I checked my compression yesterday, just for checkup purposes. First I did the usual automotive type test, and most are right around 170 psi, with one exception...191psi on number 5. I guess there's a buildup in there of some kind. My engine has a 9.4:1 compression ratio. I then I did a differential compression test, and (although I don't expect anybody to actually believe this), I got six 80/80's! Mine are usually pretty good, but that's a first for me. This particular incarnation is the 3100cc that I built to take William's fifth bearing, which now has 143 hours on these rings.
The sparkplugs looked pretty good too. See . Not too bad, but still showing the right bank is running a tad leaner than the pilot's bank, probably because the throttle slides open from pilot's side to passenger side. These are lined up #6 through #1 left to right. Last weekend I flew to Arkansas, and got bored and did some testing along the way. Since I had to climb to 11,500' to get over Memphis Center anyway, I decided to go all the way to 17,000' and get a climb rate number (and yes, I did have oxygen). For the last 500' (16,500 to 17,000), the average was 230 ft/min, so the service ceiling (which is defined as the highest altitude at which 100 ft/min climb rate can be maintained) is considerably higher than 17,000'. My wings are shorter than any other KR2S that I know of (19'), but I usually fly at 1000 pounds, and I do have a pretty strong engine. One of these days I hope to add on to the wing tips and get a little more wing area out of it. I took a new sunset photo the other day, at the top of . Not my best, but a flying picture, at least. The fall colors picture just below it may be the last picture my old Canon 300D will ever take. After about 73,000 pictures over a seven year period, the shutter mechanism finally wore out. The mirror was stuck halfway open and the curtain wouldn't open when I tried to take a picture. Well see what Canon has to say about that, but meantime I've bought a Canon 7D... Mark Langford N56ML "at" website at --------------------------------------------------------