Hi Paul
    I saw a sign in the office of a travel agent I used  to use and it went 
something like this " If you don't go first class your kids  will". I 
worked my ass off all my life and I said the hell with it and bought a  3300. I 
think its a beautiful engine to look at and they seem to be making every  
effort to make it better and more reliable all the time.
    By the way I love your country and the Aussie way  of thinking, My wife 
and I did a 22 day tour of Australia and New Zealand and  loved ever minute 
of it.That 16 hour flight from California to Sidney is a  killer and keeps 
us from coming back to visit again. You guys are right "we  yanks do work 
too bloody Ard" No Worries Mate I am retired now and living in  Florida. Now 
my biggest concern is not to get to fat.  All The Best,   Jim Wright

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