The same is true at certain throttle settings on my O-200.  However, one
has to ask why it runs better.  As Mark states below, carb heat improves
the fuel distribution.  However, it doesn't do that by heating the air. 
It improves distribution by disturbing the air flow, adding turbulance to
the air flow.  One can also accomplish the same thing using a turbulator
inside the induction system before the carb.  A disturbed air flow will
mix and distribute the fuel better than a laminar flow.

Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

On Sat, 14 Nov 2009 17:56:58 -0600 "Mark Langford" <>
> Dan Heath wrote:
> >   I did run it today, taking
> > the intake air from the carb heat muff, and it is much better.  I 
> may be
> > able to tweak this manifold, to do what I want.  We will see.
> Carb heat is a wonderful thing in the winter, or even fall.  I use it
> time in the dead of winter, and on days like today when I took off at
38F, I 
> used it for the whole four hours of flying.  It improves fuel
> and smooths the engine noticeably.   
> Mark Langford
> N56ML "at"
> website at
> -------------------------------------------------------- 
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