As Jim Morehead recommends, I also am happy with Desser.  

I bought these tires a year ago, less than $20 each and I got free, next
day ground shipping from L.A. to San Diego.;MULTI_ITEM_SUBMIT

Pretty scary they're so inexpensive, but they've been fine.  And I've
been using Cheng Shin's on my motorcycles for 30 years.  They are decent,
reliable tires.  

I must have a couple hundred landings on them and, although they are
showing wear, they still withstood fully loaded high-altitude takeoffs
recently.  Take-off's are harder on tires than landing, according to a
piece in the current AOPA magazine.  High altitude (above 5000 ft.)
take-offs with crosswinds are harder still since you have to hold that
bugger down and get it going really fast before you let it off the
runway.  Otherwise, you'll get blown off the runway and to the side with
gusts and not have enough airspeed to climb.  Then you're at the mercy of
any obstacles around the airport as you nurse it along in ground effect
until you get enough airpseed to climb.  Visual cues will tell you its
rotation time but that can be a big mistake at altitude.  I just about
lost it on takeoff in high winds at Raton, NM coming back from last
year's Gathering trip.   One KR builder crashed his plane at St. John's
AZ a few years ago in just such a scenario.  I was just discussing that
incident with the airport manager there.  That plane was rebuilt and was
for sale a year or two ago.  

Anyway, I recommend Desser.  

Mike - KSEE

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