Mark Lankford wrote:
I have a whole bunch of neat idea to try out (let me know when you need this back), but to end the plenum debate, we need to install this setup into Joe's engine and go flying with him at CC#16! If you need it back before then, I might just buy one of my own. This is fun stuff... Hey Guys, This is incredible stuff, Real information, I am certainly game since the original comparison was with me. I look forward to it. So everyone knows I did retrieve 357CJ from KMVN this weekend. It was a great trip home that I made a weekend out of. I can not thank Emory enough for picking me up at STL and delivering me to MVN. He went well out of his way and way above the call of duty. Thanks You Emory. I gave him a 30 min. ride for his efforts and let him have the stick for much of the flight. As a non pilot Emory did very well flying the KR. this maybe because he gets in With out any preconceived notions about how to control the machine. I noted to him how much travel (how little travel) the stick required and he did fine from there on. I actually did manage a landing that didn't scare the bajeepers out of him so we may see a KR in his future. I left MVN late afternoon and headed to KJYM at brother Roy's in Michigan. I was a little afraid that I was cutting it close for darkness but at 9500 I picked up a decent tailwind and made the 340 mile trip in just 2 hours. I spent the night at Roy's Garage and had my education broadened to say the least. We went back to the airport at about 8 am to a very heavy layer of frost. It took about an hour to warm the engine and get the frost all off. After that Roy sent one of his children up with me for a 40 min flight just to see if it was safe for him. I did a high speed pass with her and I think that she enjoyed the flight. Roy seeing that his daughter survived decided to squeeze his rather large terristial frame into my little KR. (Roy and I were temporarily conjoined) He was able to control the KR without any trouble and it still climbed in the cold air with the two of us at 1100 ft/min. We buzzed one of his friends airstrips and Roy seemed content to go home at that point. The best flight of the weekend was still to come. I left KJYM and climbed at a steady 500 ft/min and with inn 20 min I was starting to cross LAke Erie at 11,500 and halfway across I climbed to 13,500 and the ground speed was up to 225mph and I was burning 3.5gph. I spent another hour crossing a cloud deck that was 5000 ft below me but no fear the XM weather was showing that it was clear at home and i started my decent at 130 miles out and even the cumies turned to scattered as I descended through them right to pattern alt. at my home airport of KUKT. By the time I taxied to my hanger the timer showed just under 2.5 hours. Total flying time was about 2:20 which gives a ground speed in excess of 200 mph average. It was way to cool watching things come and go at that speed. The flight was smooth and the plane performed flawlessly. I've done a lot of things in my life but this KR just continues to give me a rush that is just beyond explanation. I have gotten a lot more comfortable taking passengers and I enjoy that more too. ____________________________________________________________ House Rescue Bill Passed $133,000 mortgage under $679/mo. Compare rates and save!