I made it back also.  I thought I was going to have to stay until tomorrow, but 
finally things got VFR enough for me to give it a try, and I managed to pick my 
way around (and through) various rain showers and low ceilings to make it 
home...just before a very large thunderstorm arrived.  I can now tell you that 
I throttle back to to about 2400 rpm during moderate rain, which still moves me 
along at about 120 mph.  My plane is now washed, which folks at the Gathering 
would agree it needed badly.

Jeff Lange won't get out until tomorrow, as well as Tommy Waymack.  Joe Horton 
took an airliner back home, realizing that the weather was slowly moving north 
and east, and would make him several days late for work.  Several of us had 
some pretty good conversations waiting for the weather to break, so it wasn't a 
wasted day.  It was another good Gathering. 

By the way, the vote for next year's Gathering is to be at I39, with Dan 
Overall hosting it, so Larry finally gets a well-deserved break.  See 
http://www.airnav.com/airport/I39 for details of the airport and location in 
central Kentucky.  More to come on that later.

Mark Langford
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
website at http://www.N56ML.com 

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