Howdy KR-netters... I'm back. I sold my KR project to a gentleman in Washington state about 5 years ago... it was near completion. The gentleman indicated he would possibly have to head back to the Soviet Union about now and of course I lost his contact information (having moved multiple times). I'm interested in purchasing the airplane back from him... (not sure at the moment how I would fund this... but perhaps I would find a way). If you have been up in the Washington "tri cities" area and have seen a Red and White KR-2 that looks near flyable with the N number N541RY... see if you can let the owner know I'm out here.
I flew my spam-can Cardinal RG across the USA and back this summer, and decided it's too much airplane dollar wise. So I'm pondering downsizing. All my neighbors have RV airplanes, but I'm rather fond of the KR. So before I start spending $ on a new set of plans, I figured I'd get back in touch with the KR community to see if I could find and re-purchase my original KR project. If not... perhaps a KR2- S would be OK. -R