Jim Hill stretched his KR2 into a KR2S, but he had a pretty good reason...he 
broke the tail off the plane in an engine out landing here at M38, and had 
to fix it anyway.  I don't know of any pictures though.  The end result was 
almost un-noticeable.  All he did was clean up the ends of the longerons 
into matching tapers, scarf on some more plywood, stretch the elevator 
cables, and blend it all in with body work.  The aft deck transition  had to 
be blended as well.  He also installed the "new tail", but it's easy enough 
to simply extend the current horizontal stab and elevators with carbon fiber 
(as done by Troy Petteway).  That alone improved the KR2 stability 
considerably, according to Troy.

A KR2 can be lengthened, but increasing horizontal stab size will accomplish 
almost the same goal with respect to longitudinal stability, and is a lot 
easier to accomplish, as Larry said.

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
mail: N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
website: www.N56ML.com 

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