I wrote:    >The end result was a straight-and-level average of 193 mph true 

and Mark Jones wrote:


OK, OK, maybe it was 139 mph.  I could be confused about that.  I've never 
been real good with numbers.  But I suspect Jones is just bent out of shape 
because he doesn't have very friendly sheep up there in Wisconsin...the best 
he can do is attract wild deer!  Or maybe it's because he missed the antique 
British car show last Monday at Popham field.  Check out 
http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford/andover/car_show/ , if you're up for 
another trip to England and have a few minutes to kill.

I got in another two hours of flying today, although most of it had to be 
done above the cloud deck.  I did a few lean-of-peak experiments, slow 
flight, and practiced IFR techniques, as well as a few touch-and-goes.   The 
Vair is smooth as ever.  Tomorrow the winds will be high, but next week is 
supposed to be sunny, at least, but probably no great sunsets...

Mark Langford
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
website at http://www.N56ML.com

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