Tiny Tach makes a digital tach that uses induced voltage from a wire wrapped 
around a spark plug lead as it's pick up.  I used one on a Slick mag on a VW 
with good results.  I think you'll find a write up on Mark L's web pages about 
him using a Tiny Tach on his Corvair as well.  He had some issues with it, but 
was eventually successful.  

I see that Aircraft Spruce doesn't show that it's an induction pick up off the 
plug wire in their write up anymore, but it still is.

Tiny Tach has a FAQ page at <http://www.tinytach.com/tinytach/fqa.php>
$36.95 (US) for any of the units on the Tiny Tach web site, or order through 
Aircraft Spruce if delivery to SA is an issue for them.

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Willie van der Walt" <touri...@intekom.co.za>
To: "'KRnet'" <kr...@mylist.net>
Subject: KR> RPM Gauge
List-Post: krnet@list.krnet.org
Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 14:09:28 +0200

I used a VDO rev counter with the pickup on the deadcut point of one Slick
Magneto. There are two on the Limbach. Since I removed the wire from the
Magneto the engine is running much smoother. 

Now how can I measure the engine revs? There is no alternator on the motor.
Any ideas? Please help.

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