
I received the following sad news for Ron Eason, Jr. in an e-mail this weekend.
His father, Ron Eason, Sr., passed away on Easter Day, just a few weeks
ago.  Those of you that knew Ron from the Gatherings he attended, or from
his posts on the net, will remember him as a rather quiet person but always
willing to help or share in whatever way he could.  He will be missed.

I'm attaching the e-mail that I received from his son, Ron, Jr., as re-wording
his request would be rather difficult. Any netters in Kansas City area please
give some thought to how he might get the project finished and, if you would,
please reply to Ron directly with any ideas you have.  His e-mail address is
at the bottom of his e-mail.

Thank you.......

Larry Flesner
>I don't know if you remember me but I am the son of Ron Eason Sr. 
>who you have seen around KR events for years. I talked with you a 
>bit with Bob Clark from Des Moines by the hanger at last years 
>"gathering" on Saturday night. We talked about my fathers health and 
>how he was doing. I'm very sad to say that he passed away on Easter, 
>just a few weeks ago. (If it had to be, what a great day for Dad to 
>"make his final flight west" & be w/ the Lord)
>2008 was the first time I was able to attend with Dad, but have been 
>there (and Perry OK) in spirit for years. I very much appreciated 
>your sincere words of concern that evening & it made an impression 
>on me. I will attend this year as well. I look forward to seeing you.
>I was wondering if you would be able to help me with a very 
>important project I have. Do you know of any KR folks (or airplane 
>builder/pilots in general) in the Kansas City area. I joined KRnet 
>but can not figure out how to post a message. (don't laugh, I'm 
>actually pretty "IT" savvy)
>Dad left his 75% completed KR project to me. I am not a pilot 
>(although I grew up flying with my dad and began my lessons in 
>college, my wife is terrified of small airplanes as 2 close family 
>friends have died in 2 separate accidents. She asked me not to fly 
>(at least until our 4 daughters graduate high school) for fear of me 
>making her a young widow. I have honored that.
>Dad & I discussed at length what I would do if he were not able to 
>finish "the KR". This airplane will be completed soon. I'm committed to that.
>I'm considering 2 ideas: 1) A pilot/builder who would want to finish 
>a 75% completed KR (he/she will easily get the 51% build credit 
>being that the regs will allow this person to count all the work dad 
>has done to count towards his 51%). We can work out the details, but 
>this person would not have to buy this project as I'm not looking 
>for any money or to sell the airplane. Him/her & I will enter into a 
>partnership. Most all of the items needed to finish have been 
>purchased already including engine, instruments, radios etc. etc. 
>Dad has not updated his progress photo's in years but to finish the 
>plane it needs:
>1) Final canopy fitting & glass installed (dad had already installed 
>the SR-22 style hinges on the canopy frame & dry fitted it on the plane)
>2) Final fit and sanding to prepare the body for priming (as you 
>know, if you want it perfect, & dad did, this could take some time)
>3) Assemble & install engine (1835 VW happi turbo with fuel 
>injection. Dad sent it off to have cylinders, walls & various parts 
>ceramic coated & the engine
>     dyno'ed and bench tested. If I remember right, the shop 
> certified it to be just under 100hp & 2300rpm, disassembled it and 
> shipped it back in boxes. This cost a
>     bunch in itself. He could have bought a certified engine for 
> that much but he liked the hp to weight ratio of this engine & the 
> power w/ turbo at altitude)
>4) Instruments & interior installed.
>5) Final paint
>There is still work to do, but it is at the fun stage now because 
>everything that is done from this point is visible and you can see 
>the light at the end of the tunnel & visualize the project completed.
>The other idea is see if an EAA chapter wants to complete & fly it, 
>but then you have insurance, liability, who's name is the "N" & 
>experimental certificate registered too?? etc. etc.
>I'm just tossing around ideas. Thank you Larry for your time very 
>much. Do you know of anyone in Kansas City? Email or call me if you 
>like. My number is below.
>I'm committed to seeing my dads dream fly & possibly really blessing 
>a pilot that maybe doesn't have a ton of dough, but would love to 
>have their own airplane, be active, participate in KR gatherings, 
>young eagles etc...Dad would love that.
>Best Regards,
>Ron Eason Jr.

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