I never was fond of the shimmy...or the funky chicken either..... -- Glenn Martin KR2 N1333A
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy Joe Beyer
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy Mark Wegmet
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy Mark Langford
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy Mark Wegmet
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy Dan Heath
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy John Gotschall
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy Randy Smith
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy jscott.pi...@juno.com
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy Glenn Martin
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy gbmc...@aol.com
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy mbz...@comcast.net
- KR> RE: KR nose wheel shimmy Chris Hird