Thanks for the tips re the crossover circuit & Expbus.  I'm not ready for
a major panel redesign yet, probably never.  With all the additions and
changes over the years it could well do with a panel makeover, but I'm
very familiar and comfortable with it at this point.  If I ever sell it,
the new owner might want to take it on and incorporate some of these

I've got the NASA vents on the side like everyone, but Ken Cottle did
something which has been remarkably effective in not only keeping the
pilot cool but also in getting a straight blast of fresh air to breathe. 
If fumes were to develop in the cockpit from a sudden fuel line hose or
connection failure or other leak, this means I can still breathe
relatively untainted air while getting it down to the ground.  Ken
created a small opening in the front of the canopy frame where it joins
the front deck.  Air is ducted from there through the frame to an eyeball
swivel vent that I can turn any direction, including off.  The swivel
vent is mounted on a small shelf in the very front portion of the canopy
upon which also sits the compass.  This, together combined with the
exhaust vent on the turtledeck is a simple and very effective way to get
fresh air in the face, where we need it.  It's a really good idea and I
don't think I've seen it on any other KR.  PM me for pictures & I'll take

Sparky gave me a piece of flexible duct hose which I keep beneath the
seat.  It fits into the swivel vent perfectly and with this I can breathe
straight clean air directly from outside.  Imagine a smoke-filled
cockpit, or a sudden major fuel leak, and that piece of duct might save
the day.    

The fellow who just hit the tree down in Georgia while trying to get his
KR down with smoke & perhaps fire in the cockpit might have had just this
situation.  A cockpit full of toxic fumes is a severe distraction.


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