From: To: Subject: WINGS AND WHEELS - 2009 List-Post: Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 10:15:12 -0400 Netters: This is an open invitation to KRnet & Corvaircraft members to be part of our annual fly-in. EAA Chapter 82 will be having it's annual Wings and Wheels Fly-in on June 6th & 7th at Barber Field (2D1), Alliance, Oh. For additional info, see attached file. In the past, Mark Langford, Joe Horton, Larry Flesner and Ken Jones have flown in to participate. In addition, this year Roy Szarafinski of Roy's Garage will be here with a copy of his fifth bearing for Corvair engines. Call Ron or myself about lodging. Hope to see you there. Pete Klapp, EAA Chapter 82, building KR-2S N729PK, Canton, Ohio Rediscover HotmailĀ®: Now available on your iPhone or BlackBerry Check it out. _________________________________________________________________ Rediscover HotmailĀ®: Now available on your iPhone or BlackBerry