I got some good advice on the trivial question of brushes. Some of it was direct rather than on this list which makes me believe that some might be intimidated (like I am). So I have another question. I was laying up some 2 layer BID for a flange. I was doing 4 and the first 2 went beautiful. I thought the third was going fine, but 24 hours later I was surprised how flexible the 3rd was. I could easily bend it. The previous 2 were stiff as boards. It was 90 degrees yesterday here in AZ so I can't believe the temperature was a factor. It was the same epoxy that I had used on the other 2. I let it go another 24 hours and it is still a little pliable. Should I just let it cure eventually? Did I mix the epoxy bad? I didn't do anything different that I can tell.
I have some wings that I believe were purchased from Diehl. I kind of inherited them and I have no intention on using them. They have them advertised as $2700. I don't know if they are worth anything to anybody. I keep meaning to do something with them, but I don't know if posting them on EBay would attract any attention. I figure they got to be worth at least $500? I could get my expenses back and fund some further building, if I got that much out of them. -Kurt 141 Hours in AZ