Hi netters;

I purchased an older KR2 project last October that is in the boat stage with
some completed spars. I recently unwrapped the spars and found that the
front center spar wood is there, but they were never assembled/built. Back
when I started investigating and learning about KR's (about 2 years ago),
and after reading Raymer on design I thought that putting the dihedral in
the main (center) spars would be best. 

I thought about 3 - 3 1/2 degrees would be a good number to shoot for. My
plan for accomplishing this is to take a piece of 3/4" plywood and set some
pins (3/4 bolts) in the appropriate locations on the plywood to "fixture"
the main spars top and bottom spruce in the proper configuration and then
put the spars top and bottom components in a really hot shower and let them
"steam" until the hot water ran out and then clamp them to the fixture
(using the same bolts for both top and bottom so they would match).

I will be configuring the wings to meet the AS504x configuration by
laminating the already built spars with thin strips of spruce top and bottom
to the proper depth.

Do you guys think this would work? Remember, I am building "Pretty Girl" in
my living room.

Thanks for your input.


Mark W

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